Conference Presentations

“‘The Emporium of American Stock’: American Sovereign Debt on the European Continent, 1862-1873,” 19th World Economic History Conference, Paris, France, July 2022, (forthcoming—postponed from 2021 owing to COVID-19 pandemic.) 

“Memory and the American Civil War,” (roundtable), 2018 British American Nineteenth Century Historians Conference, Madingley Hall, Cambridge, England, October 2018.

“Reorienting Atlantic World Financial Capitalism: America and the German States,” Globalized Peripheries: New Approaches to the Atlantic World 1680–1850, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany, July 2018.

“The Haute Banque, American Civil War Debt, and the Global Integration of 19th Century Capital Markets,” The European Association for Banking and Financial History Conference, “Legacy of Finance: The Legacy of the Haute-Banque in the World, from the 19th to the 21st Century,” Paris, France, June 2017.

“The French Connection?: American Civil War Debt, Transatlantic Ties, and Global Capital Markets,” 2017 Business History Conference Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 2017.

“‘Removing Prejudices and Solidifying the Nation’: Union Bond Sales in the Confederacy,” 2016 Southern Historical Association Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, November 2016.

“Internationalizing the American Civil War: The German and Dutch Impact on Union Bond Sales, 1862-1865,” 2015 Business History Conference and European Business History Association Joint Meeting, Miami, Florida, June 2015.

“The Bonds of Empire,” Roundtable on Emotional History in the Civil War Era (roundtable organizer), Society of Civil War Historians Fourth Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, June 2014.

“A Man without Faith, Party, or Country (but not without means): August Belmont and the Politics of Capital Citizenship in the Civil War Era,” 2013 British American Nineteenth Century Historians Conference, Madingley Hall, Cambridge, England, October 2013.

“The Civil War as an ‘Act of God:’ Life Insurance and the Impact of the Fourteenth Amendment,” From Property to Personhood: The Intents and Unintended Consequences of the Reconstruction Amendments, Third Biennial UnCivil Wars Conference, Athens, Georgia, October 2013.

“‘God’s Providence Seems to Have Been Showing Forth from All Quarters’: George Cheever, Matthew Simpson, and the Ministerial Pursuit of Emancipation,” Baptist History & Heritage Society Annual Conference, Richmond, Virginia, May 2013.

“‘A Catholic that Loves Not His Country Does Not Understand His Religion’: Catholic Influence on Union Civil War Diplomacy, Politics of Citizenship, and State Formation,” The Politics of Religion: 13th Annual Graduate Student Symposium, Department of Religion, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, February 2013.

“‘The Will of God Prevails’: Ministerial Influence on Union Diplomacy,” The Transnational Significance of the American Civil War: A Global History, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C., September 2012.

Invited Presentations

“‘Bonds as a 'National Blessing'?: Reassessing the Role of Debt in 19th Century America" Money in the Early American Republic Symposium, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, September 2020, (forthcoming, rescheduled owing to COVID-19 pandemic.)

“The Transatlantic American Civil War,” University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, February 2020.

“The Fabric of Our Lives: Cotton, The American Civil War, and India,” Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Ganhinagar, India, January 2020. 

“Internationalizing the War,” (panel member), Civil War Institute, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, June 2019.

“American Debt and the German States in the 19th Century,” Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 2019. 

“Reorienting Atlantic World Financial Capitalism: America and the German States,” Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, May 2019.

“Civil War Debt in the Era of Emancipation,” American History Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 2018.  

“American Civil War Debt: An International Perspective,” Newberry Seminar in the History of Capitalism, Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, January 2018.

“‘We Were Whipped in the Treasury Department’: Bonds, the US Treasury, and Winning the Civil War,” Treasury Historical Association, United States Treasury Building, Washington D.C., October 2017.

“Civil War Finance: The Primacy of the German States,” History Research Colloquium, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany, July 2017.

“Bonds of War: American Civil War Debt and Global Capitalism,” Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut, February 2017.

“Bonds of War: American Civil War Debt and Global Capitalism,” Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, October 2016.

“‘Like a Cord Through the Whole Country’: The 7-30 Bond Drive and the Evolution of National Financial Markets,” Civil War Studies Seminar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 2015.

“The Nation’s Banker: Jay Cooke and the 5-20 and 7-30 Bond Drives,” Library Company of Philadelphia Colloquium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2014.

“Bonds of War: Capital and the Evolution of Financial Markets in the American Civil War,” University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, May 2014.

“‘Otis,’ Charles, and Rowland: Sourcing the Wartime Legacy of the Howards,” The Afterlife of the American Civil War, Bowdoin Alumni College, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, August 2013.

“Bowdoin Alumni: Disunion and Dissent,” Bowdoin and the Civil War at 150: Brothers in Arms, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, April 2013.